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OWI Office

Address:Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26
9712 EK Groningen
The Netherlands


Engberts, ing. T.M.
Project leader Smarter Academic Year
Feringa, drs. E.M.
Coordinator BA & MA honours programme/ Faculty of Arts
Fry, M.
Management Assistant Office of the Institute of Education
Haag, E.E., MA
Placement Coordinator Faculty of Arts
Jager, dr. S.
Project Manager Teaching and Learning Innovation
Kluck, drs. H.
Policy advisor on education at Faculty of Arts
Ootjers, S.P.B.
Programme Coordinator | Study Advisor (ad int.) MA International Humanitarian Action (NOHA)
Pentermann, S.C., MA
Dutch language teacher / Junior educational development officer
Rosendaal, ir. A.J.M.
Project Manager IT in Education
Visser, H., MA
Policy Advisor Faculty of Arts
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