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Department of Cultural Geography

Address:Landleven 1
9747 AD Groningen
The Netherlands


Bock, prof. dr. ir. B.B.
Professor for Population Decline and Quality of Life in Northern Netherlands
Christiaanse, S., MSc
phd-candidate & Teacher
El Alam, N., M
PhD student
Groote, dr. P.D.
Associate Professor
Haartsen, prof. dr. T.
Professor of Rural Geography
Heide, prof. dr. ir. C.M. van der
Professor by Special Appointment in Nature-inclusive Rural Development
Imperiale, A.J.
Lecturer and Researcher
Lanen, S. van
Assistant professor urban poverty & inequality
Mallon, G., Dr
Assistant Professor in Physical Geography
Mallow, M., MSc
PhD candidate and Early Stage Researcher (ESR) in i-CONN ITN
Prell, C.L.
Associate Professor
Salemink, dr. K.
Assistant Professor
Schmidt, J.B.I., MA
Research Officer Manual Publishing; PhD Student
Strijker, prof. dr. D.
em. Professor Cultural Geography (Faculty of Spatial Sciences, Chairholder Mansholtchair for Rural Development)
Vanclay, F.M.D., Prof
Professor of Social Impact Assessment and Management
Vos, dr. D.
Assistant Professor in Spatial Data Analysis
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