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Economics, Econometrics & Finance

Address:Nettelbosje 2
9747 AE Groningen
The Netherlands


Alessie, prof. dr. R.J.M.
Professor Micro-econometrics
Allers, prof. dr. M.A.
Professor of Economics of Sub-National government
Angelini, V., Prof
Professor, Aletta Jacobs Chair
Bergemann, A., Dr
Associate Professor, Rosalind Franklin Fellow
Berk, prof. dr. J.M.
Full professor money and banking
Boot, dr. T.
Associate Professor
Chau, K.W., Dr
Assistant professor
Czura, K., Dr
Associate Professor
Dalò, A., Dr
Assistant Professor of Finance
Dam, dr. L.
Associate Professor
Davans, H.
Management-/Office-assistent section Economics and Econometrics
Dijk, H.H., PhD
Assistant Professor of Health Economics
Eije, dr. J.H. von
Associate Professor
Elhorst, prof. dr. J.P.
Professor of Spatial Econometrics
Eriksen, S.S.H., Dr
Associate Professor
Geerlings-Koolman, M.A.
Program Assistant BSc EOR
Geis, A.
PhD candidate
Gonenc, H., Dr
Associate Professor, Program Director MSc International Financial Management
Grefte, J.A.M. de
Assistant Professor Business Ethics and Sustainability
Groneck, M., Dr
Associate Professor
Haan, prof. dr. M.A.
Professor Industrial Organization
Heijdra, prof. dr. B.J.
Professor of Macroeconomics
Heijnen, dr. P.
Associate professor
Hoeben, dr. C.
Research Associate
Homroy, S., Dr
Associate Professor (Reader) of Finance
Hoogduin, L.H.
Emeritus professor and lecturer / manager / supervisor/entrepreneur
Hulshof, dr. D.
Assistant professor
Iftime, O.V., Dr
Associate Professor (Applied Mathematics)
Jelsema, E.T.
Jong, prof. dr. A. de
Professor of Corporate Finance
Jong, D.M.O., PhD
Assistant professor
Jong, prof. dr. H.J. de
Professor of Economic History
Kaat, D.M. te, PhD
Associate Professor of Finance
Kantarci, T., Dr
Post-doctoral researcher and lecturer
Kesina, M., PhD
Associate Professor
Kong, L., Dr
Assistant Professor of Econometrics
Koning, prof. dr. R.H.
Professor by special appointment, sports economics (Mulierinstituut)
Kramer, dr. M.M.
Program Director BSc E&BE, Senior Lecturer
Langley, M.G.
PhD candidate
Lensink, prof. dr. B.W.
Professor; Vice dean research
Marinkov, V.V., Dr
Assistant Professor of Macroeconomics
Méder, Z.Z., PhD
assistant professor
Mierau, J.O., Prof
Professor Public Health Economics
Milionis, P., Dr
Associate Professor
Mills, M.C., Prof
Professor of Data Science & Public Health Policy
Montfoort, F.J. van
PhD Candidate Energy Economics
Mueller, A.M., Dr
Associate Professor
Mulder, prof. dr. M.
Professor of Energy Economics
Ong, H.H., Dr
Postdoctoral Researcher
Osterhaus, M.K., Dr
Assistant Professor
Peng, Y., PhD
Assistant professor
Péter, A.N., Dr
Associate Professor
Phlippen, prof. dr. S.M.W.
Endowed Professor of Sustainable Banking (NVB financing)
Pichler, S., PhD
Associate Professor
Plantinga, dr. A.
Associate Professor
Pohl, W.E.
Associate Professor
Postepska, A., PhD
Associate Professor, Program Director BSc EOR
Rauf, A., PhD
Associate Professor of Finance
Romensen, dr. G.J.
Lecturer and postdoctoral researcher
Roszbach, prof. dr. K.F.
Professor of Banking and Finance
Salomons, R.M.
Professor by special appointment - Investment Theory and Asset Management (C.R. Rao Stichting)
Schippers, dr. A.L.
Assistant professor
Schoonbeek, prof. dr. L.
Professor by special appointment, applied game theory (Groningen University Fund)
See, S.G., PhD
Assistant Professor
Selmane, N., PhD
Assistant Professor
Sloot-Pol, G.
Programme Management Assistant BSc Economics and Business Economics
Soetevent, prof. dr. A.R.
Full professor of Microeconomics
Stangenberg, L.
PhD Candidate and Lecturer
Stein, C.L., MSc
Aspiring Development Economist & Gender Equality Advocate with a commitment to translating research into action for social change
Sterken, prof. dr. E.
Professor of Monetary Economics
Treurniet, dr. M.
Assistant Professor
Vecellio Segate, R., Dr
Postdoctoral Researcher
Viluma, L., PhD
Assistant Professor of Health Economics
Vinne, R.T. van der
Management Assistant
Vullings, dr. D.
Assistant professor
Vuuren, prof. dr. A.P. van
Professor in Econometrics
Westerman, dr. W.
Assistant Professor
Xu, Y., PhD
Assistant Professor
Zaal, dr. R.O.S.
Assistant Professor
Zhu, W., Dr
Assistant Professor, a.k.a. "Rock"
Zwart, dr. G.T.J.
Associate Professor
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