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dr. D. (Daniella) Vos

Assistant Professor in Spatial Data Analysis

I am currently working together with three PhD candidates and other colleagues on the following projects:

*Your name here?* Joining forces with plants for urban resilience: the potential of interdisciplinary and interspecies collaboration for climate adaptation in cities. We'll start recruiting for this PhD position after summer. The project will study plant adaptation to urban environments, and then use this knowledge to design nature-based solutions for targeted neighbourhoods in Groningen. Citizen science and co-creation will be key elements of the design process, where plants will be seen as stakeholders alongside the neighbourhoods' residents. The co-designed nature-based solutions will then be tested for resilience to future climate change stress using spatial modeling.

Alessandro Fois: Investigation of urban components that foster long-distance pedestrian movements. In this project we approach long distance walking as a sustainable, healthy mode of transporation in urban environments. Our first upcoming paper explores the role of socioeconomic status in long-distance walking for transport and recreation in the Netherlands. We are currently analysing CBS ODIN microdata in order to identify small scale drivers of long distance walking in urban environments in the Netherlands.

Mi Hyun Seong: In search of spatial relationships, patterns of (un)relatedness and development paths through spatial analysis. This project investigates regional innovation processes through an evolutionary economic geography perspective. Alongside spatial statistics and econometrics, we are using ecological modelling techniques to understand what type of economic "habitats" are beneficial for clusters of growth and innovation.

Julia Dos Anjos Marques: Sustainable Governance Goes South: Tracing Brazil’s Institutional Changes in Socio-spatial Environmental Policy-making from 2002 to 2025. This research project aims to review, compare, and rethink socio-environmental policy-making in Brazil. We are exploring the intricate relationship between political actions, socio-environmental policy-making, and spatial transformations in Brazil by appplying a comparative planning research framework with an open participatory and spatial take.

In addition to these projects, I am affiliated with the Phoenix Horizon project (the rise of citizen voices for a greener Europe) and the Finding Suitable Grounds project (finding traces of early crop cultivation in the Netherlands).

Last modified:09 July 2024 10.00 p.m.