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About us Practical matters How to find us prof. dr. D. (Diederik) Roest

Research interests

My research interests include theoretical aspects of cosmological models, particularly those of the primordial Universe, as well as field theory aspects of gravity. In the former field, I have contributed to different models of inflation, as well as their observational signatures. In the latter field, my main interests currently focus on the double copy framework of gravity.


Bertrand’s theorem and the double copy of relativistic field theories

Hybrid Goldstone Modes from the Double Copy Bootstrap

Non-linear electrodynamics from massive gravity

Chaotic light scattering around extremal black holes

Cosmology with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna

Cosmology with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna

Exceptional scalar theories in de Sitter space

Flavour-kinematics duality for Goldstone modes

The special Galileon as Goldstone of diffeomorphisms

A free Lie algebra approach to curvature corrections to flat space-time

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Groninger Wetenschapsquiz:

Wij leven in een lappendeken van mini-heelallen

Het heelal groeit, maar hoe snel eigenlijk?

Het heelal dijt steeds sneller uit, maar waarom, dat zit theoretici nogal dwars

We leven toch misschien niet in het saaiste heelal dat je kunt bedenken

De Wereld Draait Door

Interview for Radio 1 programme De Kennis van Nu

Jinek op Zondag

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