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D.M. (David) Ashford, Dr

Profile picture of D.M. (David) Ashford, Dr

My first book, London Underground: a cultural geography, focussed on the role writers, artists and musicians played in the evolution of urban space in London from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century. This was published by Liverpool University Press in 2013.

My second monograph was published by Bloomsbury in 2017. Autarchies: The Invention of Selfishness traces the influence of Egoist philosopher Max Stirner on Modernist writers and artists in France, Russia, the UK and the USA in the years before WWI.

A third monograph has been published this year by Manchester University Press. A Book of Monsters is a collection of essays on Promethean horror in Twentieth-Century Literature and Culture. The book expands considerably upon material that has previously appeared in journals - as "Gorillas in the House of Light" (Cambridge Quarterly: 2011), "Architects of the Occult" (Literary London: 2014), "The Mechanical Turk" (Cambridge Quarterly: 2017), and "Orc-Talk" (JFA: 2018).

I am also a published poet with five collections. Xaragmata (Veer: 2013), Orcs!!! (Veer: 2015), Sedition Machines (Veer: 2017), John Company: an epic (Pamenar Press: 2021) and Collected Lyrics (Crater: 2024). An experimental novella called Changeling is also due to appear within the next few months from Philip Tew's Milletae Press.


Last modified:07 June 2024 1.55 p.m.