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Is Sharing Caring? ‘Energy Sharing’ within Energy Communities under EU Law

Aardwarmte & Burgerparticipatie: State of the art, mogelijkheden en rol EBN

Lokale burgerbetrokkenheid en energieopslag Een leidraad voor discussie

Beyond energy savings: The necessity of optimising smart electricity systems with resource efficiency and coherent waste policy in Europe

Integrating demand side management into EU electricity distribution system operation: A Dutch example

A market-based framework for demand side flexibility scheduling and dispatching

Distribution network monitoring: Interaction between EU legal conditions and state estimation accuracy

Energy Flexibility from Large Prosumers to Support Distribution System Operation: A technical and legal case study on the Amsterdam ArenA stadium

Legal Framework for Prosumers in the Netherlands

Actualiteiten en Signaleringen

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Lokale burgerbetrokkenheid en energieopslag Een leidraad voor discussie