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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. D.C. (David) van der Linden


Experiencing Exile: Huguenot Refugees in the Dutch Republic, 1680–1700

Memorializing the Wars of Religion in Early Seventeenth-Century French Picture Galleries: Protestants and Catholics Painting the Contested Past

Archive Wars: Record Destruction and the Memory of the French Wars of Religion in Montpellier

The Postmasters' Piggy Bank: Experiencing the Accidental Archive

Memory, Toleration, and Conflict after the French Wars of Religion

Review of Jack Thomas, Les Protestants du Languedoc et la justice royale de Louis XIV à la Révolution: De l’obscurité à la lumière

Review of Hilary Bernstein, Historical Communities: Cities, Eruditon, and National Identity in Early Modern France

The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes

Introduction: Legacies of the French Wars of Religion

The global refuge: The Huguenot Diaspora in a global and imperial perspective: A discussion of Owen Stanwood 's the global refuge: Huguenots in an age of empire

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300 år gammelt ulæst dansk brev fundet på bunden af hollandsk post-kiste

Historischer Postfund: Historiker öffnen 300 Jahre alte Briefe

La Fabrique de l'Histoire: Malle au trésor

Aux Pays-Bas, un coffre postal fascine les historiens

Bezorgde schrijvers en onbezorgde brieven

Forscher wollen versiegelte Post aus dem 17. Jahrhundert lesen

Mais de 300 anos à espera de resposta

Des lettres du XVIIe racontent la fuite des Huguenots vers les Pays-Bas

Nooit bezorgde brieven zijn schat voor onderzoekers

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