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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons D. (Dimitris) Ballas, Prof


Behind Left and Right: Disentangling the voting behaviour of radical right and radical left parties in Europe

Global climate change mitigation technology diffusion: A network perspective

Investigating happiness: A socio-spatial inequalities perspective

Relatedness and space: A spatial econometric approach to the analysis of regional green innovation specializations

Spatial analysis of household energy behaviors: Integrating spatial microsimulation and spatial econometric models

Does Living on an Island Make You Happier?

Happiness, Space and Place: Community Area Clustering and Spillovers of Life Satisfaction in Canada

Neighbourhood-level spatial determinants of residential solar photovoltaic adoption in the Netherlands

Oral health, sugary drink consumption and the soft drink industry levy: Using spatial microsimulation to understand tooth decay

Spatial and relational peer effects on environmental behavioral imitation

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