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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. D.A. (Dörte) de Kok

dr. D.A. (Dörte) de Kok

Universitair Docent

Token Test

More information will follow, for now see the information on the site of the GETC.


More information will be provided soon.


Discuit is a Dynamic item set clustering UI tool.

Discuit is a python package that can split datasets (e.g. words defined by several variables) into subsets that are as comparable as possible.

The package takes a csv file as input and generates a defined number of matched sets for a given number of continuous and categorical variables. One of the categorical variables can be selected to be split absolutely even across sets. Discuit generates the following output:

  • csv file ammended with the set membership for each item
  • txt file that reports on the outcomes of statistics tests

In the future, this will be integrated in an GUI.

More information:

De Kok, Dörte. (2023). Discuit. Zenodo.

You can also check the github repository or the PyPI page on the project:

Go to to check the tool with an integrated user interface.


Development of a screening tool for prepositions. This screening is being developed with multiple in-class and thesis projects by students in the MA Neurolinguistics. The first version will be presented at the AfasieNet conference in October 2023.

Supervised PhD-projects

  • Pauline Cuperus (2019 - 2023)
  • Jonathan Gerona (2021- )
  • Judith Feiken (external PhD, 2022 - )
  • Jocelyn Lubbers (2023 - )
  • Abena Owusu Antwi (2023 - )

Laatst gewijzigd:09 februari 2024 13:58