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Research interests

PhD project: Role of the vagus nerve in energy balance regulation in rats - A surgical approach

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery is the golden standard for bariatric surgery. In my project, the role of the vagus nerve in the effects seen after bariatric surgery is investigated. Especially of interest is the difference in effects of bariatric surgery and vagus nerve stimulation on detailed eating behaviour and consequently glycaemic control, to see if there is a common denominator responsible for the beneficial effects on obesity-related problems after bariatric surgery and vagus nerve stimulation.


Weight loss in adult male Wistar rats by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is primarily explained by caloric intake reduction and pre-surgery body weight

Acute sub-diaphragmatic anterior vagus nerve stimulation increases peripheral glucose uptake in anaesthetized rats

Potential binding modes of the gut bacterial metabolite, 5-hydroxyindole, to the intestinal L-type calcium channels and its impact on the microbiota in rats

Ileal transposition: A non-restrictive bariatric surgical procedure that reduces body fat and increases ingestion-related energy expenditure

Ileal transposition in rats reduces energy intake, body weight, and body fat most efficaciously when ingesting a high-protein diet

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De Universiteit van Noorderzon

Docent van het jaar: Enthousiasme is het geheim