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About us Practical matters How to find us dr. C.M.A. (Corijn) van Mazijk

Research interests

Kant and Post-Kantian Philosophy, Phenomenological Tradition, Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Perception


Husserl's covert critique of Kant in the sixth book of Logical Investigations

Husserl, impure intentionalism, and sensory awareness

Mission impossible? Thinking what must be thought in Heidegger and Deleuze

Intentionality, pointing, and early symbolic cognition

Prehistory, anti-Cartesianism, and the first-person viewpoint

Symbolism in the middle paleolithic: a phenomenological account of practice-embedded symbolic behavior

Waarom negeren filosofen de prehistorie?: Op weg naar een philosophy of prehistory

How to dig up minds: The intentional analysis program in cognitive archaeology

The World in Mind: Transcendental Idealism in Husserl and Kant

De wereld als verschijning: fenomenologie en de twintigste eeuw

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‘Waarom begon hij zich zoals wij te gedragen?’

Interview: Over de dageraad van onze cultuur (De Nieuwe Wereld)