prof. dr. C.M. (Kees) de Glopper
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Kees de Glopper (1956) is professor emeritus of Speech Communication and Discourse Analysis (or briefly Discourse Studies) at the University of Groningen. His research and teaching activities pertain to the development, teaching, uses, and consequences of literacy.
Connections with language education
Kees de Glopper is member of a team of subject matter specialists in the field of Dutch Language and Culture that aims to strengthen the relation between university and secondary school (Meesterschapsteam Nederlands van Vakdidactiek Geesteswetenschappen: He was a member of the board of the association of teachers of Dutch (Levende Talen Nederlands: For VIOT (the association for Discourse Studies) he coordinates the Special Interest Group Discourse Studies and Education (
Job career
During his doctorate studies, De Glopper was research-assistant at the Research Institute for Applied Psychology (RITP)/SCO-Kohnstamm Institute (University of Amsterdam, 1980-1983). After his doctorate exam he worked at the SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut as researcher, from 1983 untill 1985.
In 1985 he became substitute program leader of Language Education at the SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut. Subsequently he worked there as program leader Language Education (1987-1997).
From 1992 untill 2001 De Glopper was professor of Educational Sciences at the University of Amsterdam. Concurrently he was director of the Educational Institute for Pedagogical and Educational Sciences at the UvA (1997-2001).
In 2001 he made a transfer to the University of Groningen. There he is appointed as professor of Speech Communication and Discourse Analysis at the Faculty of Arts. He retired on April 11 2023. From 2002 untill 2019 he was professor of Language Teaching at the university's Teacher Training Center. From 2006 untill 2013 he was also active as director of the Center for Language, Education and Communication (Etoc).
After finishing pre-university education (Atheneum B) at the Lorentz Lyceum in Eindhoven, De Glopper studied Dutch Language and Literature at the University of Amsterdam. He finised his doctorate exam in General Linguistics (1983) after receiving his bachelor’s degree (1978) at the same university.
In 1989 he finished his PhD at the UvA on the thesis Writing described. Content, yield and background of writing education in secondary education , with as his promotores Prof. dr. G.J. Mellenbergh and Prof. dr. H. Wesdorp and as copromotor Dr. H.L.M. Meuffels.
Last modified: | 19 April 2023 12.44 p.m. |