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University Medical Center Groningen

prof. dr. C.K. (Corry) van der Sluis

Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine
Profile picture of prof. dr. C.K. (Corry) van der Sluis


Flexible and static wrist units in upper limb prosthesis users: functionality scores, user satisfaction and compensatory movements

Musculoskeletal Complaints in Transverse Upper Limb Reduction Deficiency and Amputation in The Netherlands: Prevalence, Predictors, and Effect on Health

Upper Limb Absence: Predictors of Work Participation and Work Productivity

Virtual Training of the Myosignal

Influence of Inter-Training Intervals on Intermanual Transfer Effects in Upper-Limb Prosthesis Training: A Randomized Pre-Posttest Study

Intermanual Transfer Effect in Young Children After Training in a Complex Skill: Mechanistic, Pseudorandomized, Pretest-Posttest Study

Adaptive devices in young people with upper limb reduction deficiencies: Use and satisfaction

Sports participation of individuals with major upper limb deficiency

Upper-Limb Prosthetic Myocontrol: Two Recommendations

Learning effects of repetitive administration of the Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure in novice prosthetic users

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New technology enables sensation of warm and cold in the missing hand

Honderden 3D-geprinte handprotheses van Delftse ingenieur naar Oekraïense oorlogsslachtoffers


Peter heeft nieuw soort handprothese met metalen pinnen: 'Een wereld van verschil'.

Nieuwe onderarm dankzij kliktechniek.

Nieuwe onderarm dankzij kliktechniek.


Patroonherkenning in het dagelijks leven

Eerste klikprothese in een onderarm gezet in UMCG

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