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dr. C.J. (Josje) van der Linden

Assistant professor / Coordinator External cooperation Globalisation studies Groningen / UNESCO chair holder Lifelong learning, youth and work, Gulu University, Uganda
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+3150 3636510:


Conditions for successful adult learning systems at local level: creating a conducive socio-spatial environment for adults to engage in learning

Developmental Needs of Adolescents in the Online Lifeworld in the Context of Youth Work



‘Figuring it out’. Continuity or discontinuity of work in young rural-urban migrants’ education to work transition in Kathmandu, Nepal

Het perspectief van een ecosysteem voor de ontwikkeling van beroepsvaardigheden: The perspective of an ecosystem for the development of professional skills

‘I need to switch the job’. Young rural-urban migrants’ perceptions about their job during their education to work transition

International cooperation in education at the crossroads: fostering youth agency amidst conflict and uncertainties in northern Mozambique

International cooperation in education at the crossroads. Fostering youth engagement amidst conflict and uncertainties in northern Mozambique

What makes adults choose to learn: Factors that stimulate or prevent adults from learning

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Een opgave in het kwadraat / A big challenge