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Does Twitter Data Mirror the European North–South Family Ties Divide? A Comparative Analysis of Tweets About Family

Internal migration following adverse life events: Assessing the likelihood of return migration and migration toward family

Moving and staying in the context of the family: A review and an introduction to the Special Issue

Moving for proximity to family, care needs and the locations of family members: An analysis of matched survey and register data

Understanding Opinions towards Migrants in Transit An Analysis of Tweets on Migrant Caravans in the US and Mexico

Adult children's gender, number and proximity and older parents' moves to institutions: Evidence from Sweden

Local Ties as Self-Reported Constraints to Internal Migration in Spain

Insecure tenure in Amsterdam: who rents with a temporary lease, and why? A baseline from 2015

Internal Migration, Living Close to Family, and Individual Labour Market Outcomes in Spain

The Role of Family and Friends in Return Migration and Its Labor Market Outcomes

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Verloskundigen hebben handen vol aan lockdownbaby's: 'Nee, sorry, ik zit nu bij een bevalling. Later op de middag?'

Thuiswerken is de norm, dus dan nu wél dat grote huis in Drenthe?

Forget 1.5 metres: Midwives in the north expect lockdown baby boom

Interview t.b.v. artikel Peter Hendriks, Follow The Money: ‘Geen woning, geen kinderen’

Interview t.b.v. column Tom Meeus, NRC: ‘Nieuwe Hollandse ziekte: kloofhoop’

Interview 'Weg van de familie'. Dagblad van het Noorden

Interview 'Ook de ouderen vertrekken nu uit Zeeland'. NRC Handelsblad

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