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C.G. (Christina) Williamson, Dr

Associate professor - ancient history
Profile picture of C.G. (Christina) Williamson, Dr
+31 6 3198 4393 (Cell phone)
Secretary History:


  • Keywords: urbanization, landscape, deep-mapping, network theory, ritual performance, collective identity, territorial formation, Hellenistic Asia Minor
  • Specialized in spatial analyses and urban development with emphasis on the Hellenistic period
  • Interdisciplinary approach: spatial analyses, visual analyses, network theory, rational choice theory. 
  • Strong familiarity with western Turkey, Greece, central/southern Italy, western Crimea
  • Specialized in archaeological survey methods in various types of terrain
  • Experienced in the use of ArcGIS, desktop and in the field with GPS

Academic Background

  • 2023: Research Fellow – Max-Weber-Kolleg, Universität Erfurt ‘Religion and Urbanity. Reciprocal formations’
    Sacred co-temporalities: Sanctuaries and urban timescapes in the Graeco-Roman world

  • 2019-2022: Research Supervisor - University of Groningen
    Co-director of "Connecting the Greeks. Multi-scalar festival networks in the Hellenistic world” (NWO - see Grants and Fellowships) - 

  • 2020-2023: Researcher – University of Groningen
    “Deep-mapping sanctuaries” as project 1 of “Connecting the Greeks. Multi-scalar festival networks in the Hellenistic world” - 
  • 2019/2021: Research Fellow – Max-Weber-Kolleg, Universität Erfurt ‘Religion and Urbanity. Reciprocal formations’
    “Deep-mapping festival hubs” as project 1 of “Connecting the Greeks. Multi-scalar festival networks in the Hellenistic world”
  • 2014-2015: Postdoc Researcher - Archaeology and Ancient History—Brown University
    Project: ‘Commanding Views. Monumental landscapes and the territorial formation of Pergamon, 3rd to 2nd c BC’
    – NWO Rubicon award, conducted at the Joukowksy Institute of Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University (USA) 
    PhD awarded on 4 June, 2012
  • 2013: Lecturer Ancient History—University of Amsterdam
  • 2012: Lecturer Ancient History—University of Leiden
  • 2011-2013: Lecturer Ancient History—University of Groningen
  • 2007-2011: PhD Student - Archaeology and Ancient History—University of Groningen  
    Thesis: ‘City and sanctuary in Hellenistic Asia Minor. Sacred and ideological landscapes’ – Fully funded - PhD 2012
    Interdisciplinary approach using architectural and spatial (e.g. viewshed) analyses, epigraphy, numismatics and iconography to interpret the role of rural sanctuaries for civic identity (see
    Supervisors: Prof.dr. O.M. van Nijf (University of Groningen, Ancient History), Prof.dr. P.A.J. Attema (University of Groningen, Mediterranean Archaeology), Prof.dr. F. Pirson (German Archaeological Institute (DAI) Istanbul) 
  • 1989-1992: MA Mediterranean Archaeology—University of Groningen
    Thesis: ‘Light in dark places ’ on the application of natural light in Classical Greek temple architecture - supervisor: K. Feije
    Thesis research at the American School for Classical Studies at Athens / Aristoteles University at Thessalonike

Grants and Fellowships     

  • 2019/2023: Research Fellowship – Max-Weber-Kolleg, Erfurt
    1-year fellowship (in 3 terms) with paid research leave in connection with the DFG project ‘Religion and urbanity. Reciprocal formations’ (FOR 2779). - 
  • 2018: NWO Open Competition – University of Groningen
    ‘Connecting the Greeks. Multi-scalar festival networks in the Hellenistic world’ 4-year research grant comprising one post-doc (Williamson) and two PhD students to examine the impact of festivals in the Hellenistic world at the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels. Co-applicant with Prof. Dr. O.M. van Nijf - 
  • 2016: University of Groningen – Data Science and Centre for Digital Humanities ‘Connected Contests. Festival networks in the ancient world’ – project facilitates an online interconnected database to facilitate the study of festival networks in the post-classical world. Co-applicant with Prof. Dr. O.M. van Nijf - 
  • 2013: NWO Rubicon grant – Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University (USA)
    ‘Commanding Views. Monumental landscapes and the territorial formation of Pergamon, 3rd to 2nd centuries BC’ – conducted via the University of Groningen at Brown University.
  • 2013: Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2014-2015 – Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany) (declined)
    ‘Power and perception. The role of landscape, visibility, and monument location in the territorial formation of Pergamon, 3rd to 1st centuries BC’ 
  • 2013: Koç University, Istanbul 2013-2014 – Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (Turkey) Senior Non-Residential Fellowship (declined)
  • 2010-2012: OIKOS National Graduate School in Classical Studies
    Travel grant to present a paper at the APA-AIA Annual Joint Meeting  
  • 2009 and 2010: Stichting Philogische Studiefonds (Netherlands / Turkey)
    Travel grants for research trips in Turkey
  • 2009: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO Netherlands / Turkey)
    Six-week (April-May) residence grant for the Netherlands Institute in Turkey (Istanbul)
  • 2008: Freie Universität Berlin – TOPOI project (Germany)
    Two-week research fellowship and presentation of workshop, with W. de Neef, on survey methods  (on invitation by Prof.Dr. F. Fless)
  • 2006-2007 Winter: Visiting scholar at the University of Texas at Austin (USA)
    Three-month PhD pilot study - 'Mylasa and Labraunda' - Travel grant from the Radboud Stichting (Thomas More) - supervised by Dr. P. Perlman (UT)
  • 1996-1997: Prins Bernhard Foundation & Dr. Hendrik Visscher Foundation (Turkey)
    Travel grant for research visits to Turkey (Pergamon) and Berlin (Pergamon Museum)
  • 1995: Extra Emancipatorisch Vrouwen Activiteiten Foundation (Netherlands)
    Research grant for a three-month pilot study on the role of personification monuments in urban topography in Classical Athens, Hellenistic Pergamon, and Imperial Rome
  • 1992: Erasmus International Scholarship (Greece)
    Research (MA thesis) at the Aristoteles University at Thessalonike and the American School for Classical Studies at Athens 

Other education

  • 1998: BS Information Technology—Hanzehogeschool Groningen
  • 1984-1988: BFA Painting and Printmaking— Academie voor Beeld ende Kunst Minerva (Groningen)
    Final work focused on paintings and lithographs of ancient Roman ruins
  • 1979-1983: BA History — Wheaton College (Wheaton, Illinois, USA)
    Emphasis on ancient history and the history of philosophy, minor in English literature, drawing and painting

 Job History

  • 2022-present: University of Groningen, Associate Professor in Ancient History
  • 2015-2022: University of Groningen, Assistant Professor in Ancient History
  • 2017: University of Utrecht – interim lecturer in Ancient History
  • 2011-2013: University of Groningen, Lecturer in Ancient History
  • 2013: University of Amsterdam, Lecturer in Ancient History
  • 2012 (Fall): University of Leiden, Lecturer in Ancient History
  • 2003-2007: University of Groningen, Lecturer in Mediterranean Archaeology and Ancient History

Other positions held

  • 1998-present: Freelance artist
  • 1999-2007: ICT technical architect and release engineer—Atos Origin / KPN Telecom
  • 2000-2002: Webmaster and database administrator—Art Revisited Publishers 
  • 1993-1996: Lecturer and researcher—University of Groningen, Archaeology 

Fieldwork (selection)

  • 2009-2011: Elaia Survey (Pergamon) – German Archaeological Institute (DAI) Istanbul Turkey-Zeytindağ: Bronze Age to Mediaeval, settlement, funerary, fortifications – directed by Prof.dr. F. Pirson (DAI Istanbul), Dr. S. Feuser (Rostock), Dr. L. Meier (Munich) Responsibilities:  fieldwalking, GPS coordinates, visual representation
  • 2009: Western Crimean Archaeological Project  – Centre for Black Sea Studies (Aarhus) Ukraine-Crimea: Bronze Age to Early Modern, settlement and funerary contexts – directed by Dr. V. Stolba & Dr. T. Smekalova Responsibilities:  fieldwalking, GPS coordinates, GIS environment, drawings
  • 2007-2008: Džarylgač Survey Project – Centre for Black Sea Studies (Aarhus) & Groningen Institute for Archaeology Ukraine-Crimea: Bronze Age to Early Modern, settlement and funerary contexts – directed by Dr. P. Guldager Bilde (Aarhus) & Prof.dr. P.A.J. Attema (Groningen) Responsibilities:  Team leader fieldwalking, data registration, finds processing
  • 2007: Hidden Landscapes Survey Project – Groningen Institute for Archaeology Italy-Monti Lepini: Early Iron Age to Early Modern, settlement/activity traces – directed by Dr. P.M. van Leusen Responsibilities:  Team leader fieldwalking, GIS environment
  • 2006: Raganello Archaeological Project– Groningen Institute for Archaeology Italy-Calabria: Bronze Age to Hellenistic-Roman, settlement/activity traces – directed by Prof.dr. P.A. J. Attema & Dr. P.M. van Leusen Responsibilities:  Team leader fieldwalking, data registration
Last modified:06 February 2024 4.07 p.m.