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C.E. (Charlotte) Knowles, Dr

Assistant Professor
Profile picture of C.E. (Charlotte) Knowles, Dr

Charlotte's primary research areas lie in feminist philosophy and phenomenology, particularly Heidegger and Beauvoir. These interests come together in her work on complicity. She focusses primarily on complicity in gendered contexts, exploring notions of freedom, responsibility and agency. Before coming to Groningen, Charlotte worked in the UK. She received her PhD from Birkbeck College, University of London and held positions at Birkbeck and Oxford Brookes. Charlotte was an executive committee member for the Society for Women in Philosophy UK from 2012 – 2018. She is a member of the Centre for Gender Studies and a SCOOP fellow. As part of SCOOP, Charlotte is the primary supervisor for a project on complicity as motivated ignorance. She is also the primary sueprvisor for an interdisciplinary PhD project on feminist notions of empowerment, supervised between philosophy and cultural studies. Charlotte is interested in public philosophy and writes a regular column, ‘Living the Life of the Mind’, for The Philosophers’ Magazine. Charlotte is co-editor-in-chief for Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, and in 2023 received an Early Career Award from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in recognition of her work on deep rooted issues in gender dynamics.


Last modified:06 March 2024 10.13 a.m.