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About us Practical matters How to find us C. (Çigdem) Bozdag Bucak, Dr

C. (Çigdem) Bozdag Bucak, Dr

Associate Prof.

I am an assistant professor in the department of Media and Journalism Studies at the University of Groningen. At the same time, I work as a Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow in the department of Intercultural Education at the University of Bremen with my project INCLUDED that focuses on digital media literacy education for disadvantaged groups in the migration society. Previously, I worked as an assistant professor and the head of the New Media department at the Kadir Has University between September 2014 and July 2019. Between September 2013 and August 2014, I worked as a Mercator-IPC Fellow at the Sabanci University. I finished my PhD studies in Communication and Media Studies at the University of Bremen in 2013. My research interests include digital media use, media and migration, inter- and transcultural communication, digital media literacy and media education.

Selected Publications

Bozdag, C. (2020). Managing Diverse Online Networks in the Context of Polarization: Understanding How We Grow Apart on and through Social Media. Social Media+ Society, 6(4), 2056305120975713.

Bozdağ, Ç. (2020). Bottom-up nationalism and discrimination on social media: An analysis of the citizenship debate about refugees in Turkey. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 23(5), 712-730.

Kocer, S., & Bozdağ, Ç. (2020). News-sharing repertoires on social media in the context of networked authoritarianism: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Communication, 14, 19.

Bozdağ, Ç. (2018). Intercultural learning in schools through telecollaboration? A critical case study of eTwinning between Turkey and Germany. International Communication Gazette, 80(7), 677-694.

Bozdag, C., & Smets, K. (2017). Understanding the images of Alan Kurdi with “small data”: A qualitative, comparative analysis of tweets about refugees in Turkey and Flanders (Belgium). International Journal of Communication, 11, 24. 

Bozdag, Cigdem (2014): Policies of cultural diversity in Germany: Between integration and security? In: Global Media and Communication 10(3), pp. 289-301. 

Bozdag, C. (2013). Aneignung von Diasporawebsites: Eine medienethnografische Untersuchung in der marokkanischen und türkischen Diaspora. Springer-Verlag.

Hepp, Andreas/Bozdag, Cigdem/Suna, Laura (2011): Mediale Migranten. Medienwandel und die kommunikative Vernetzung der Diaspora. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Last modified:25 June 2022 11.32 a.m.