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Clean air captures attention whereas pollution distracts: evidence from brain activities

Dynamic modulation of neural feedback processing and attention during spatial probabilistic learning

Reward and expectancy effects on neural signals of motor preparation and execution

Caffeine Boosts Preparatory Attention for Reward-related Stimulus Information

Diminished Feedback Evaluation and Knowledge Updating Underlying Age-Related Differences in Choice Behavior During Feedback Learning

EEG-based visual deviance detection in freely behaving mice

Neuroscience and climate change: How brain recordings can help us understand human responses to climate change

Individual differences in learning rate are reflected in feedback related brain processes

Thinking fast or slow? Functional magnetic resonance imaging reveals stronger connectivity when experienced neurologists diagnose ambiguous cases: Functional magnetic resonance imaging reveals stronger connectivity when experienced neurologists diagnose ambiguous cases

A key role for stimulus-specific updating of the sensory cortices in the learning of stimulus-reward associations

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