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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. H.B. (Bart) Verheij

prof. dr. H.B. (Bart) Verheij

Head of department AI, full professor, chair of AI & argumentation
Profielfoto van prof. dr. H.B. (Bart) Verheij
Secretariaat (Elina Sietsema):


Artificial intelligence as law: Presidential address to the seventeenth international conference on artificial intelligence and law

Arguments for Good Artificial Intelligence

Handbook of Argumentation Theory

Arguments, scenarios and probabilities; connections between three normative frameworks for evidential reasoning

To Catch a Thief With and Without Numbers: Arguments, Scenarios and Probabilities in Evidential Reasoning.

A Case-Based-Reasoning Analysis of the COMPAS Dataset

A Fortiori Case-Based Reasoning: From Theory to Data

Building a Stronger Case: Combining Evidence and Law in Scenario-Based Bayesian Networks

Constructing and Explaining Case Models: A Case-Based Argumentation Perspective

Hypothesis Updating by Combining Knowledge Graphs and Argumentation


University of Groningen Researchers Focus on Sustainable and Collaborative AI Amid US $500 Billion Investment in AI Infrastructure