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Evaluating young people's voices in spoken word popular music projects

Introduction: Small cracks, complex structures: trends and traditions in the historiography of the GDR’s popular music

One Foot in the Rave: Aging Ravers’ Transitions to Adulthood and Their Participation in Rave Culture

To dance or not to dance? Aesthetic subversion of the body politic in the GDR

Negotiating the co-curation of an online community popular music archive

Experiential knowledge: Dance as source for popular music historiography

Rave journeys: Intimacy, liminality, and the changing notion of home

Raves in the twenty-first century: DIY practices, commercial motivations andthe role of technology

The Lapsed Clubber Audio Map – Reflections on Pioneering Digital Archives

Breaching the Divide: Techno City Berlin

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