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dr. B.P. (Barteld) Kooi

Associate professor
Profile picture of dr. B.P. (Barteld) Kooi

I am currently associate professor at the Department of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Groningen. I studied philosophy in Groningen and did my master's thesis on the so-called Monty Hall Dilemma under the supervision of Erik Krabbe and Rineke Verbrugge. This led to a PhD project in the computer science department in Groningen under the supervision of Gerard Renardel and Rineke Verbrugge. I finished my dissertation on probabilistic dynamic epistemic logic in 2003. After my PhD I worked as a postdoc at the Department of Philosophy on further topics within dynamic epistemic logic and related subjects. From 2006 to 2009 I worked on my NWO VENI project and starting in 2010 on my NWO VIDI project. From 2011 to 2021 I was a full professor on the special chair in Logic and Argumentation.

Last modified:22 February 2023 3.15 p.m.