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dr. B. (Berber) Hagedoorn

Assistant Professor Media Studies & Audiovisual Culture
Profile picture of dr. B. (Berber) Hagedoorn


Berber Hagedoorn is Assistant Professor Media Studies & Audiovisual Culture at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Her research interests revolve around screen cultures (representations and crossmedia storytelling practices, particulary around television) and audiovisual cultural memory in Europe. For example, she studies how the combination of television with new (cross-)media technologies has influenced the role of television as a storyteller (‘history teacher’) and information source for current media generations. Hagedoorn is Member of the EUscreen Foundation Board (representing Research) and organizes cooperation for European research and education into television’s history and its future as a multi-platform storytelling practice. She received the 2021 CLARIAH Teaching Fellowship for a project teaching students in the international classroom to use the English-language collections in the CLARIAH Media Suite for creative multimodal storytelling projects and she received the 2018 Europeana Research Grant award for digital humanities research into Europe’s cultural heritage online. Hagedoorn also was the Vice-Chair of ECREA’s Television Studies section (European Communication Research and Education Association). She has extensive experience in Media and Culture Studies and Digital Humanities through large-scale European and Dutch best practice projects on digital audio-visual heritage and cultural memory representation, including EuropeanaEUscreen and CLARIAH. Hagedoorn has published in a.o. Critical Studies in Television, International Journal of Media and Communication, Digital Humanities Quarterly, Media and Communication, Studies in Documentary Film, Journal of European Studies, Continuum and VIEW. She is the co-editor of amongst others two special issues on ‘The Youthification of Television’ in Critical Studies in Television (16.2 & 16.4, 2021) and the edited volume New Challenges in European Television Series: National Experiences in a Transnational Context (Comares, 2022). For more information, see:

Other positions

2020-present Board Member of EUscreen Foundation; research into Europe's digital television heritage (
2016-2022 Vice-Chair of the ECREA Television Studies section, organizing cooperation for European research and education into television’s history and future as a multi-platform storytelling practice (
2021-2022 CLARIAH Teaching Fellowship Grant for project "Making Multimodal Storytelling Experiences with Cultural Heritage Materials in the International Classroom"
2020- Member Cluster Advisory Committee for Cluster 5 (extension of the Faculty Council to the cluster level): BA/MA Media Studies; Ba Arts, Culture and Media; Ba Kunstgeschiedenis; Ma Kunst & Cultuurwetenschappen; ReMa Arts and Culture/Arts, Media and Cultural Studies
2018-2019 Europeana Research Grant Award for digital humanities and digital heritage research (
2017-2018 CLARIAH Research Pilot Grant "Narrativizing Disruption" for project (
2016-2017 Research Fellow (Researcher in Residence) at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision in Hilversum
2016-2022 Member Programme Committee for the Department of Media Studies and Journalism
2015-2019 Vice-Chair and First Secretary of the Dr. Catharine van Tussenbroek Fund, supporting female research talent in Dutch academia (
2015-2021 Board Member of the Dr. Catharine van Tussenbroek Fund, supporting female research talent in Dutch academia (
Last modified:04 April 2024 4.51 p.m.

Contact information

Broerstraat 5
9712 CP Groningen
The Netherlands

Research Centre Media and Journalism Studies/CMJS

Job title:
Assistant Professor Media Studies & AV Culture
Working hours:
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