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prof. dr. B. (Bert) Groenewoudt

Professor of ecological landscape history 
Profile picture of prof. dr. B. (Bert) Groenewoudt

Prof dr. B.J. (Bert) GROENEWOUDT

Studied Prehistory at the University of Amsterdam and works as a senior landscape archaeologist with the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE). Professor by special appointment in ecological landscape history at University of Groningen.

Doctoral thesis: evaluation of the applicability of non-destructive methods of prospection and assessment of archaeological sites, particularly in the context of archaeological heritage management.

Research: ecological landscape history, man-landscape interaction, long-term processes of landscape change.

Supervised and participated in projects on archaeological heritage management and landscape archaeology. Former project manager of the Archaeological Research Agenda of the Netherlands (NOaA 2.0).

Participant of: RURALIA (The Jean-Marie Pesez Conferences on Medieval Rural Archaeology); LAC (International Landscape Archaeology Conference); PECSRL (The Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape). Member of: Advisory Board IALA, Advisory Board (Nature) Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds

Guest lectures: universities of Groningen, Utrecht, Amsterdam, Ghent , Luxembourg, International Graduate School at Brandenburgische Technische Universität (BTU) Cottbus, Charles university Prague, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences.

Last modified:30 May 2024 08.02 a.m.