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Personality in Swahili culture: A psycho-lexical approach to trait structure in a language deprived of typical trait-descriptive adjectives

Editorial: The interconnectedness of personality and language

Integrated Reporting in Multidimensional Personality Questionnaires

Kernel structure of the combined English, Dutch, and Polish personality type-nouns, with a critical test against a type-noun based structure in Swahili

Models of personality structure

Quixotry gone astray

Taxonomy and structure of the Romanian personality lexicon

The relations between conscientiousness and mental health in a North-European and a West-Asian culture

An emic-etic approach to personality assessment in predicting social adaptation, risky social behaviors, status striving and social affirmation

Personality traits in the Serbian language: Structure and procedural effects

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Nederlandse psycholoog: ‘Dé introvert of extravert bestaat niet’

Bestuur Nationaal Programma Groningen weer compleet, nog wel op zoek naar voorzitter

Kijk niet alleen naar de schreeuwers in je bedrijf, omarm de introverten