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prof. mr. dr. B.C.A. (Brigit) Toebes

Professor, Health Law in a Global Context; Scientific Director, Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Profile picture of prof. mr. dr. B.C.A. (Brigit) Toebes

Recent projects

Netherlands Ministry of Health, chair of the state committee MDMA.

Inaugural lecture (English)

Netherlands Ministry of Social Affairs, member of the committee on compulsory vaccination for childcare, December 2018-May 2019.

NWO, travel grant for Prof Scot Burris (Temple University, US): 'developing the justice pillar of the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health', visit to Groningen from May -July 2019.

Research Handbook on Global Health Law - Edward Elgar Publishing, as co-editor together with Prof Gian Luca Burci, Graduate Institute Geneva, 2018, see here.

UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health (SRRH): April-July 2017:  advising the SRRH on health sector corruption and the right to health. Report available here .

Postdoc projects

2019-2021 - Eur 360.000 from Netherlands Lung Foundation for multidisciplinary research project into novel smoke free zones.

2016-2019- Eur 300.000 from Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) for project entitled 'The rights of children to a tobacco-free environment: a proposal for a collaborative project between Global Health Law Groningen and the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF)'.

Current PhD projects

Maurice Oduor - The marketing of unhealthy food products - 2022- ongoing (with Prof Amandine Garde as second supervisor).

Ben Cave (external - with the Faculty of Spatial Sciences) - Human rights and health impact assessments - 2022- ongoing (with Prof Frank Vanclay as first supervisor).

Jorrit Westerhof (contracted ) - The balancing of rights - 2022-2026

Marlies Hesselman - The right to energy - finalisation in 2022

Dominique Mollet (bursary) - 2021-2025 - Child oral health - project co-funded by the EU JRF.

Meaghan Beyer (bursary) - 2018-2022- Human Rights, Trade and Food Regulation: Towards a Regulatory Framework to Combat NCDs Caused by Unhealthy Diets.

Natalie Schuck (external) - The right to mental health - 2018-2022.

David Patterson - Human rights based approaches on the interface between healthy diets and climate change 

  Past PhD projects in Groningen

The role of law in protecting personal data protected by health apps and wearables

Dr Trix Mulder

PhD: 28 March 20022

Supervisors: Prof Jeanne Mifsud Bonnici, Prof Brigit Toebes and Prof Aline Klingenberg

The transformative potential of a vulnerability focus in basic assistance policies

Dr Veronika Flegar

PhD: October 2020

Supervisors: Prof Gijsbert Vonk and Prof Brigit Toebes

Gender stereotypes and the regulation of abortion

Dr Lucía Berro Pizzarossa

PhD: 20 May 2019

Supervisors: Prof Brigit Toebes and Prof Marcel Brus

Health law in Suriname

Dr Muriel Poepon

PhD: 24 January 2019

Promotores: Prof Leo Damen and Prof Brigit Toebes

The right to health as the basis for universal access to essential medicines

Dr. S. Katrina Perehudoff

PhD: 5 September 2018

Promotores: Prof. H.V. Hogerzeil and Prof. B.C.A. Toebes

Advancing the Right to Health Care in China - Towards Accountability

Dr. Yi (Eva) Zhang, 2014-2018

PhD: 28 May 2018 (cum laude)

Promotores: Prof. B.C.A. Toebes and Prof. M.M.C.A. Brus

Practical Applications of the Flexibilities of the Agreement on trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (text see here )

Dr. Ellen 't Hoen, 2016-2018

PhD: 9 April 2018 (cum laude)

Promotores: Prof H.V. Hogerzeil and Prof. B.C.A. Toebes

Last modified:25 April 2024 09.46 a.m.