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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons B.A.J. (Johannes) Westberg, Prof

B.A.J. (Johannes) Westberg, Prof

Professor of Theory and History of Education, Chair basiseenheid Pedagogiek


Westberg promotes the use of historical perspectives and methods within the field of educational research, and has paid special attention to the history of primary schooling and early childhood care and education (ECCE). He has a particular interest in questions regarding the how's and why's of educational expansion, not the least the rise of mass schooling during the 19th century and the expansion of ECCE since the 1960s. As a result, he has published monographs, edited books, textbooks and journals articles covering issues relating to the social and economic history of education; school finance; material culture, school architecture; teachers, teachers' salary and livelihoods, discipline and governmentalities; educational borrowing and educational transfer.

Overige functies

Organizer of the Nordic Network on Educational History
Scientific leader of the Nordic Graduate School in Applied History of Education (2020-25)
Nordic Journal of Educational History (senior editor and book review editor)
History of Education (editorial board member)
History of Education Quarterly (editorial board member)
Paedagogica Historica (international advisory board)
Historia y Memoria de la Educación (scientific committee)
Rivista di storia dell’educazione (Member of the International Scientific Committee)
Utbildningshistoriska meddelanden, Uppsala University (editor)
Studies in the History of Education and Culture, De Gruyter (Editorial board member)
Transnational History of Education and Civilizations, University of Bologna (International scientific board member)
Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge (LUCK) (International Advisory Board Member)
Laatst gewijzigd:17 maart 2025 13:35


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PhD-Students in Groningen