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Are Character-level Translations Worth the Wait? Comparing ByT5 and mT5 for Machine Translation

Do Language Models Care About Text Quality? Evaluating Web-Crawled Corpora Across 11 Languages

Literary-adapted machine translation in a well-resourced language pair: Explorations with More Data and Wider Contexts

Proposal for a Triple Bottom Line for Translation Automation and Sustainability: An Editorial Position Paper

ReproHum #0033-3: Comparable Relative Results with Lower Absolute Values in a Reproduction Study

To be or not to be: A translation reception study of a literary text translated into Dutch and Catalan using machine translation

Automatic Discrimination of Human and Neural Machine Translation in Multilingual Scenarios

Missing Information, Unresponsive Authors, Experimental Flaws: The Impossibility of Assessing the Reproducibility of Previous Human Evaluations in NLP

Multilingual Multi-Figurative Language Detection

Same Trends, Different Answers: Insights from a Replication Study of Human Plausibility Judgments on Narrative Continuations

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Post-Editing Machine Translation Limits Creativity in Literary Translation — Research

Les universitats de Groningen i Surrey promouen un projecte de recerca sobre el català

The literary touch is lost in computer translation

Machine Translates Literature

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