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dr. A. (Annet) ten Brug

Senior researcher at the academic collaborative center PIMD and teacher at department of Inclusive and special needs education
Profile picture of dr. A. (Annet) ten Brug
+31 6 3198 4985 (werktelefoon)


Learn and apply: Using multisensory story telling as a means to gather knowledge about preferences and abilities of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: Three case studies

Multi-sensory Storytelling for Persons with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities: An Analysis of the Development, Content and Application in Practice

Een goed verhaal. De voorleesmethode Multi Sensory Story Telling

Attitudes of support people: a key element when implementing technologies for people with intellectual and visual disabilities

From assistive to inclusive? A systematic review of the uses and effects of technology to support people with pervasive support needs

The Use of Snoezelen to Support People With Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities: An International Survey Describing the Perspectives of Support Persons

From assistive to inclusive? A systematic review of the uses and effects of technology to support people with PIMD

Participating in the digital world: A consensus statement on digital social contact for people with disabilities living in sheltered care facility homes

Pushing the boundaries of digital social contact: Experiences of people with disabilities and their social networks during the COVID-19 pandemic

Snoezelen in people with intellectual disability or dementia: A systematic review

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