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prof. dr. A.R. (Adriaan) Soetevent

Full professor of Microeconomics
Profile picture of prof. dr. A.R. (Adriaan) Soetevent
+31 50 36 37663 (direct)
+31 50 36 37018 (secretariaat)
Postal Address:
(P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands)


The Effects of Lottery Prizes on Winners and Their Neighbors: Evidence from the Dutch Postcode Lottery

Payment Choice, Image Motivation and Contributions to Charity: Evidence from a Field Experiment

I will donate later! A field experiment on cell phone donations to charity

(Non-)Insurance Markets, Loss Size Manipulation and Competition: Experimental Evidence*

Short run reference points and long run performance. (No) Evidence from running data

Don’t wait on the world to change! How technophilia causes group inaction – an experiment

I'd like to move it! The effect of consumption rivalry on demand estimation: Evidence from the EV public charging market

Reproducibility in Management Science

Sharing with Minimal Regulation? Evidence from Neighborhood Book Exchange

The Short and Long Term Effects of In-Person Performance Feedback: Evidence from a Large Bus Driver Coaching Program

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We dromen graag over de jackpot: 'Boven alles willen we winnen'

Interview Hoe maak je je als burger weerbaar tegen recessie? Schiet niet in de stress

Ice Bucket Challenge: The Cold Facts

Als loterijen minder afdragen aan goede doelen, gaan die er niet op achteruit

Jullie openingstijden zijn ouderwets

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