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Research interests

Public international law in general, with a particular interest in due diligence obligations of states and the right to self-determination of indigenous peoples.


Mapping out due diligence in regional human rights law: Comparing case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Special Climate Change Blog Series - Wind Turbines and Article 27 ICCPR: Ongoing Tensions in Norway

On Due Diligence and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in International Law: What a Māori World View Can Offer

Opinie: Help kleine eilandstaten en zet klimaatverandering op de agenda in het Vredespaleis

The Netherlands

Toogdag 2023 Blog Series: 75 Years of the UDHR and the Relevance for Indigenous Peoples

Inheemse volken in Australië moeten een stem hebben in het klimaatbeleid

Due Diligence in International Environmental Law and International Human Rights Law: A Comparative Legal Study of the Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement and Positive Obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights

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