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Automated magnetic resonance imaging quantification of cerebral parenchymal and ventricular volume following subarachnoid hemorrhage: associations with cognition

Clusters of resilience and vulnerability: executive functioning, coping and mental distress in patients with diffuse low-grade glioma

Dutch Pharmacogenetics Working Group (DPWG) guideline for the gene-drug interaction of CYP2C9, HLA-A and HLA-B with anti-epileptic drugs

Emotion recognition in relation to tumor characteristics in patients with low-grade glioma

Re-evaluating patient communication and care in angiographically negative subarachnoid hemorrhage: Balancing realism and optimism

The vanishing of the ACoA syndrome after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage: New era, different management, fewer problems?

White matter abnormalities in aneurysmal and angiographically negative subarachnoid hemorrhage: a diffusion kurtosis imaging study

White matter abnormalities in aneurysmal and angiographically negative subarachnoid hemorrhage: A diffusion kurtosis imaging study

Adapting to challenges: coping styles and distress in subarachnoid hemorrhage recovery

Associations between executive functioning, coping and mental distress in low-grade glioma

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