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prof. dr. A.M.A. (Annie) van den Oever

Arts Culture and Media / Film
Profile picture of prof. dr. A.M.A. (Annie) van den Oever

  • MA New Film History and Media Archaeology
  • MA The Grotesque as a Dominant Format in Film Today
  • MA Film and Media Curating
  • BA Film 3: Film Theory
  • BA Minor: Key Debates in Film Theory
  • BA Film 1A and B: Film Analysis

For an overview of all my courses, please see HERE.

Annie van den Oever has contributed extensively to the education programs and renewal of education programs in the Arts, Culture and Media department, and has been a mentor for new colleagues within the film department. She has renewed important classes in the BA Film Theory course and has created new courses such as New Film History and a hands-on approach for seminars in Media Archaeology.

In addition, she has contributed to the development of Research Master education programs, as well as the curriculum for the MA Film and Contemporary Visual Media, in which she encouraged the use of new didactic tools and an emphasis on the importance of study-driven reflections of students.

She has been supervisor of numerous BA, MA and ReMA theses.

Furthermore, Annie van den Oever is and has been a PhD promotor for several PhD candidates:

  • 2019: Martin Rossouw (UFS/RUG), defense in 2019 (cum laude). His book Transformational Ethics of Film has been published by Brill in 2021.
  • 2021: Landi Raubenheimer (UJ/RUG), defense in 2021. Her book will be published by Brill in the Contemporary Cinema series in 2023.

Ongoing PhD trajectories:

  • DeBeer Cloete (UFS/RUG)
  • Johanet Kriel (UFS/RUG)
  • Josef van Wyk (UFS/RUG), with Julian Hanich and Nicholas Baer as mentor.
Last modified:01 May 2024 07.41 a.m.