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About us Practical matters How to find us prof. dr. A.L. (Alette) Smeulers

Research interests

Main reserach interests is on perpetrators of mass atrocities and the following type of questions: What drives people like Vladimir Putin, Anders Breivik and Josef Mengele to get involved in mass atrocities? Who were the people behind 9/11 and why did they commit such crimes? And what about the attacks in London, Madrid, Zaventem and Paris? Why did so many people follow a man like Adolf Hitler? Was Hannah Arendt right with her thesis on the banality of evil when describing Adolf Eichmann? Who was Prigozjin? What happened in Rwanda in 1994 and in Cambodia in the seventies under the Khmer Rouge regime of Pol Pot? Why do dictatorial regimes resort to torture and why is there so much sexual violence during periods of war? How can we explain the Israel-Palestine conflict?

Alette Smeulers is the author of Perpetrators of Mass Atrocities: Terribly and Terrifyingly Normal? (Routledge 2024). She regularly gives public lectures such as recently in Paradiso, Amsterdam in the series Science & Cocktails; the Asser Institute and at Studium Generale in which she tackles many of the above questions.

Together with Nicola Quaedvlieg she made a podcast series on perpetrators of mass atrocities called Terribly and Terrifyingly Normal? It can be found on all major podcast platforms.


A Playstation Mentality to Killing? Adverse Psychological Consequences in Drone Pilots and the Stigmatization thereof in the Military

Book review Ilse Koch on Trial: making the Bitch of Buchenwald - Tomaz Jardim

Perpetrators of mass atrocities: terribly and terrifyingly normal?

Fireside chat with prof. Alette Smeulers and Dr. Thijs Bouwknegt

Individuals as Perpetrators of Atrocity Crimes

A criminological approach to the ICC Control Theory

Milgram revisited: Can we still use Milgram’s ‘Obedience to Authority’ Experiments to Explain Mass Atrocities after the Opening of the Archives? Review essay

Concluding thoughts

Female war crime perpetrators in Bosnia Herzegovina

Historical overview of perpetrator studies

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Hoogleraar Alette Smeulers doet al 30 jaar onderzoek naar geweld. 'Gedachte dat alle mensen deugen, is gevaarlijk'

Why do people kill?

Hoe de internationale gemeenschap toekeek bij de Rwandese genocide

Het idee dat mensen deugen, is gevaarlijk

« La croyance inconditionnelle que l’on est bon est dangereuse »

Van mens tot monster

Podcast series: terribly and Terrifyingly Normal

Wat gebeurt er in het hoofd van mensen die oorlogsmisdaden plegen?

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