A.K. (Aleksandra) Biegun, Dr
RFF/Docent, Coördinator Natuurkundig Lab, Leidinggevende, Tutor, Projectleider TDLL
![Profielfoto van A.K. (Aleksandra) Biegun, Dr](/staff/a.k.biegun/photo.png?unique=1465565243352.jpg)
a.k.biegun rug.nl
University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
- Principles of Measurement Systems (PoMS) - BSc (Applied) Physics, Astronomy, BSc Industrial Engineering and Management, MSc Astronomy, MSc Energy and Environmental Sciences
- Physics Labs: Phys Lab 2 (PL2), Phys Lab 3 (PL3), Phys Lab 4 (PL4), Waves and Optics Lab (W&O), Practical Course Optics and Cell Biology (PCOCB), Physics Lab for BME (PLBME) - BSc (Applied) Physics, Astronomy, (Applied) Mathematics, Physics & Mathematics
- Medical Physics - BSc Life & Health,
- Radiation detection and medical imaging - BSc Honours College
- Radiation Physics - MSc BME and Applied Physics
Skillslab in Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
- In-vivo dosimetry with PET and prompt gamma-ray imaging to improve dose verification in proton therapy
Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)
- Radiation Detection and Medical Imaging, MSc Applied Physics
University of Silesia (Poland)
- Classical mechanics, BSc Physics
- Electricity and magnetism, BSc Physics
- Physics Laboratory, BSc Physics
- Basic Nuclear Physics, MSc Physics
- Modern computer applications, BSc Physics and Informatics
- Computer graphics, BSc Physics and Informatics
- Computer graphics 3D, BSc Physics and Informatics
- Basic Computer Science, University of the 3rd Age
Laatst gewijzigd: | 08 mei 2023 12:28 |