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Glucocorticoids, stress and eating: The mediating role of appetite-regulating hormones

Levels of hormones regulating appetite and energy homeostasis in response to a 1.5-year combined lifestyle intervention for obesity

Nocturnal and diurnal behavior assessed by the “work-for-food” protocol in small rodents

Effect of oat and soybean rich in distinct non-starch polysaccharides on fermentation, appetite regulation and fat accumulation in rat

Dietary fiber pectin directly blocks toll-like receptor 2-1 and prevents doxorubicin-induced ileitis

Evaluation of a lifestyle intervention program in primary care on physical and mental health and quality of life of cancer survivors: A pilot study

Effects of pectin on fermentation characteristics, carbohydrate utilization, and microbial community composition in the gastrointestinal tract of weaning pigs

Feed compositions for preventing and treating inflammatory diseases

Food and/or feed compositions for preventing and treating inflammatory diseases

Food compositions for managing body weight


Het Klokhuis - Suiker

Waarom is beginnen met sporten zo ontzettend moeilijk?

Help, mijn puberdochter ontbijt met cheese onion chips (maar waarom dat helemaal niet erg is)

Help, mijn puberdochter ontbijt met cheese onion chips (maar waarom dat helemaal niet erg is)

Word je lui van sporten? Podcast met professor Anton Scheurink

De Universiteit van Noorderzon

In de Wetenschap: Anton Scheurink - Anorexia en Verslaving


Noord Vandaag - Interview on neural disease ALS