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prof. mr. dr. A.J. (Albert) Verheij

Professor private law
Profile picture of prof. mr. dr. A.J. (Albert) Verheij
+31 50 36 35732 (+31503635732)

Empirical research and Private Law:

(with prof. dr. Willem van Boom en prof. dr. Ivo Giesen) editor of a Dutch handbook on empirical research and private law: Capita Civilology, Handboek Empirie en privaatrecht, Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers 2013, pp. 1198

In 2013 a grant was obtained (with prof. dr. Olha Cherednychenko) from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research for a PhD student to carry out research on the effectiveness of information duties regarding complex financial products (PhD student: Carien de Jager) 

(with Paul Geerts, Bart Krans en Reinhard Steennot) research commissioned by the Research Centre (WODC) of the Ministry of Justice: Oneerlijke handelspraktijken: praktijkervaringen in België met de sanctie van artikel 41 WMPC, Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers 2011, pp. 109

Strictly legal research:

(with prof. dr. Bob Wessels) editor of a Dutch handbook on regulated contracts: Bijzondere overeenkomsten, Deventer: Kluwer 2013, 3rd ed., pp. 513 

author of a monografy on Dutch tort law: Onrechtmatige daad, Deventer: Kluwer 2005, pp. 213 (new edition forthcoming in either 2014 or 2015)

Last modified:25 June 2022 09.48 a.m.