prof. mr. dr. A.J. (Albert) Verheij
Albert Verheij studied law at the Free University in Amsterdam and graduated in (cum laude) in both private and constitutional & administrative law. He obtained his PhD (cum laude; supervised by prof. C.C. van Dam) which was awarded with a national prize (Premium Erasmianum).
He was assistant professor at the 'Vrije Universiteit', was associate professor at the University of Tilburg, visiting professor at North-West University in South Africa and attorney in the litigation department of the Amsterdam law firm Stibbe (in association with Herbert Smith & Gleiss Lutz).
Presently Albert Verheij is parttime judge in the Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden, chief editor of the law journal 'Verkeersrecht' (= Traffic Law), member of the 'Kamer voor Langlopende Letselschadezaken'(=Chamber for long-running personal injury cases) and president of the 'Vereniging voor Burgerlijk Recht' (=Association for Civil Law)
Last modified: | 13 September 2022 5.49 p.m. |