dr. A.J.L. (Bram) van der Velden
Assistant professor
a.j.l.van.der.velden rug.nl
Together with Maya Feile Tomes I am working on an edition, with translation and commentary, of a hitherto unknown epic on the voyages of Columbus: Peramás' De Invento Novo Orbe Inductoque Illuc Christi Sacrificio (1777).
Pursuing my interest in the history of Classics in the Netherlands I am working on an edition of the lecture notes of J.H. Waszink (1908-1990).
I have a nascent interest, as of yet unsupported by any particular expertise, in the use of Digital Humanities for Classics, for instance in judging questions of authenticity.
Please see our research website for more information on Groningen projects.
Last modified: | 02 July 2024 2.05 p.m. |