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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. A.J. (Aard) Groen

Research interests

Innovation & Entrepreneurship in network perspective has been my research topic during my career. More specific I am interested in high tech entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship & innovation, social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship support methods and techniques.

In Groningen next to being full professor of entrepreneurship & valorization, I am dean of entrepreneurship, so I lead the development of UoG as entrepreneurial university. By supporting work anywhere in UoG research, teaching and busines development support methods for the UoG in the University of Groningen Center of Entrepreneurship see\UGCE Since 1 june 2018 UGCE merged with the faculty UCG, to estabish a school for interdisciplinary approaches of innovation in  uncertain and complex challenges in society, UGCE adds to this from the entrepreneurship point of view. 

Into this UoG position I came as a so called double position with an older similar position @ University of Twente. In Twente I am co-founder of NIKOS the Netherlands Institute for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship (sister of UGCE). Since beginning 2020 I am fully working at UG, but still finishing several PhD students projects in Twente.

My research is part of Innovation and organization research program of SOM. I teach entrepreneurship and help other develop programs in many schools of UoG. Developing entrepreneurship support we mainly do in living labs such as Venturelab North in which we support persons and teams who like to develop a growth oriented knowledge intensive enterprise. This is part of our reserarch and teaching portfolio too. 

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An introduction to stimulating entrepreneurial activity in a European context: Reflections on programs, courses, and cases

Guest editorial: Understanding the entrepreneurial process through a multidisciplinary lens: Insights from entrepreneurship research in Europe

Pre-start-up internationalization mindsets trigger action

Stimulating entrepreneurial activity in a European context: Reflections on Programs, Courses and Cases

The early bird catches the worm: The role of regulatory uncertainty in early adoption of blockchain’s cryptocurrency by fintech ventures

Capabilities and Performance of Early Internationalizing Firms: A Systematic Literature Review

Global before birth: A study of internationalization mindsets of entrepreneurs

Innovating With the Customer: Co-Creation Motives in Online Communities

When Do Evaluators Publicly Express Their Legitimacy Judgments? An Inquiry into the Role of Peer Endorsement and Q:1 Evaluative Mode

Customer cocreation experience in online communities: antecedents and outcomes

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