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Discriminatory Value of Steroid Hormones on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Clustering of Hyperandrogenism and Metabolic Factors

Does social need fulfillment moderate the association between socioeconomic status and health risk behaviours during pregnancy?

Resumption of ovulation in anovulatory women with PCOS and obesity is associated with reduction of 11β-hydroxyandrostenedione concentrations

Women of reproductive age living in the North of the Netherlands: Lifelines Reproductive Origins of Adult Health and Disease (Lifelines-ROAHD) cohort

A preconception lifestyle intervention in women with obesity and cardiovascular health in their children

Live birth is not the only relevant outcome in research assessing assisted reproductive technology

Long-term outcomes of switching to gonadotrophins versus continuing with clomiphene citrate, with or without intrauterine insemination, in women with normogonadotropic anovulation and clomiphene failure: follow-up study of a factorial randomized clinical trial

Measuring free radicals with relaxometry: Pioneering steps for measurements in human semen

Quantum Sensing of Free Radicals in Primary Human Granulosa Cells with Nanoscale Resolution

The association between polycystic ovary syndrome and early cardiovascular disease morbidity strengthens

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Niet stress maar leeftijd en leefstijl belangrijkste factoren bij zwanger worden

‘Kennis Nederlanders over vruchtbaarheid schiet flink tekort’

'Onvoldoende kennis over factoren die kans op zwangerschap beïnvloeden'

Fabels vruchtbaarheid, DvhN

Fabels zwangerschap, Telegraaf

Interview A. Hoek NPO Radio 1

Wat als de dokter de donor blijkt te zijn?

Medici worstelen met een golf nepstudies

Een golf medische nepstudies

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