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Are lateralized and bold fish optimistic or pessimistic?

Effects of early predation and social cues on the relationship between laterality and personality

Pathway for personality development: Juvenile red knots vary more in diet and exploratory behaviour than adults

Prolactin is associated with proximity to incubating partner rather than parental care in black-headed gulls

Short- and long-term effects of endogenous cortisol on personality traits and behavioural syndromes

The effect of light during embryonic development on laterality and exploration in Western rainbowfish

Dynamics of maternal androgens and its metabolites during early embryonic development: embryonic modification of a maternal effect

Early conversion of maternal androgens affects the embryo already in the first week of development

Egg-mediated maternal effects in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish

Embryonic heart rate is affected by yolk androgens and egg laying sequence, and correlates with embryonic tissue growth: A study in rock pigeons

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Organisms in their Environment

Waarom worden sommige vogels zo agressief in de lente?

Geen zeehondenkijkwand maar een zeehondenkijkkeet bij de Punt van Reide

The Great Lockdown - UG researchers deal with the corona crisis

Are left-handers more artistic than right-handers?

Minister Schouten wil minder zeehonden in opvang

Mythen over linkshandigheid onder de loep

Zebravinken zingen 'weerbericht' voor hun ongeboren jongen

Linkshandigheid: Van taboe naar trots

Hoe zielig is een 'huiler'?

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