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Publicationlist (selection)

-`Religion and Science as Cultural Systems: Polanyi's View on the Problem of Meaning', Neues Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 27 (1985), 85-99.

[Also in: On Symbolic Representation of Religion. Groningen Contributions to Theories of Symbols, (eds.) H.G. Hubbeling & H.G. Kippenberg, De Gruyter, Berlin/New York 1986, 9-23]

-`Truth in the Fiduciary Mode: A Reply to Professor Emmet', Tradition & Discovery 15 (1987/88), nr.2, 27-33. [Also in Convivium 25 (Oct. 1987), 39-45]

-Michael Polanyi's Post-Critical Philosophy. A Reconstruction of Some Aspects of`Tacit Knowing', Rodopi, Amsterdam 1988, 295p.

-`The Concept of Person: Some Heuristical Notes', in: Concepts of Person in Religion and Thought, in: (eds.) H.G. Kippenberg, Y.B. Kuiper & A.F. Sanders, Concepts of Person in Religion and Thought, Mouton/De Gruyter, Berlin/New York 1990, 51-65.

-`Elements for an Ethics of Religious Belief', in: (eds.) R. Veldhuis, A.F. Sanders, H.J. Siebrand, Religious Belief and Intellectual Honesty, Van Gorcum, Assen 1990, 163-179.

-Theologie en wetenschapsfilosofie. Inleiding in de Theologie II , OThO/Kok, Kampen 1991, 104p.

-`Tacit Knowing Between Modernism and Postmodernism: A Problem of Coherence', Tradition & Discovery 18 (1991/92), nr.2, 15- 21

-`Evil, Divine Agency and Moral Sensitivity. Some Comments on Vincent Brümmer's Views', in: (eds.) G. van den Brink, L.J. van den Brom & M. Sarot Christian Faith and Philosophical Theology: Essays in Honour of Vincent Brümmer , Kok Pharos, Kampen 1992, 159-171

-`Hierarchical Levels of Cognitive Structuring and the Possibility of Design' in: (eds.) G.V. Coyne & K. Schmitz-Moormann, Origins, Time and Complexity, Pt. II, Labor et Fides, Geneva 1994, 231-235

-`Traditionalism, Fallibilism and Theological Relativism', Ned. Theol. Tijdschr. 49 (1995), 194-214

-`Polanyi, Popper and Methodology. A Reply to S. Richmond', Tradition & Discovery 22 (1995/96), nr.2, 27-35

-`Het logisch reconstructivisme van Huib Hubbeling', in: (red.) H.A. Krop, J.A. van Ruler & A. Vanderjagt, Zeer kundige professoren. Beoefening van de filosofie in Groningen van 1614 tot 1996, Verloren, Hilversum 1997, 299-309

-`Criticism, Contact with Reality and Truth', Tradition & Discovery 23 (1996/97), nr.3, 24-37

-`Missiology, Epistemology and Intertraditional Dialogue', in: (eds.) A. Kirk & K. Vanhoozer , To Stake a Claim: the Epistemological Challenge and Christian Mission, Orbis, Maryknoll NY., 1999, 55-77

-`Dogmatism, Fallibilism and Truth. A Polanyian Puzzle', Polanyiana 8 (1999), nr. 1-2, 27-38

-`Rationaliteit en christelijk geloof', in: (eds.) E. Dekker & M. Sarot, Christelijk geloof en rationaliteit, Boekencentrum, Zoetermeer 2000, 65-89

-`Theism, Post-Theism and No Theism', in: (eds.), H.A. Krop, A.L. Molendijk & H. de Vries, Post-Theism: Reframing the Judeo-Christian Religion, Peeters, Leuven 2000, 369-381

-`Against Theory. D.Z. Phillips' Reply to the Collapse of Foundationalism', Bijdragen 61 (2000), 3-16

-`Science, Religion and Polanyi's Comprehensive Realism', Tradition & Discovery 26 (1999/00), nr.3, 84-93

-`Kierkegaard's Reading of the Sacrifice of Israel', in: (eds) E. Noort & E.J.C. Tichelaar, The Aqedah (Genesis 22) and Its Interpretations, Brill, Leiden 2001, 166-181

- 'On Reading Part IV of Personal Knowledge: a Finalism or a Simple Vision?', Tradition & Discovery 30 (2003/04), nr.1, 24-34 

- 'God, Contemporary Science and Metaphysics', Tradition & Discovery 30 (2003/04), nr.3, 28-31

- (with K. de Ridder) Fifty Years of Philosophy of Religion. A Selected Bibliography 1955 - 2005, Brill, Leiden, 2007, 650p. 

- 'Questions for Contemplative Philosophy of Religion' in: (ed) Andy F. Sanders, D.Z. Phillips' Contemplative Philosophy of Religion. Questions and Responses, Ashgate, Aldershot 2007


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