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prof. dr. A.E. (Aleid) Brouwer

Professor by special appointment

Name: Aleid Elizabeth Brouwer

Who am I?

I am an ethusiastic and engaged academic, who profoundly enjoys to teach from research. My research focusses on several topics: I research entrepreneurship, vulnerable groups, housing and digital inclusion. My current entreperneurship research focusses on locational decisions of sustainable entrepreneurs and wellbeing of entrepreneurs and local (digital) engagement. My current research on housing and ageing-in-place for older adults focusses on quality of life and subjective wellbeing and this can be influenced by housing and living environment. This is pivotal in an era with many changes in demographic distribution and the changing role of care . Furthermore I investigate digital inclusion, for all three subjects previously mentioned: entrepreneurship and online presence, agein-in-place and digital care, housing and digital participation in the (local) environment. I use mixed methods, but have a preference for quantitative methods using survey and or panel data


Ph.D. Spatial Science : (24 February 2005) University of Groningen, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, The Netherlands.


September 2008 - current: Assistent Professor. Economic Geography, Spatial Science / Urban and Regional Studies Institute, University of Groningen, Netherlands

March 2005 – August 2008: Post-doc / Assistant Professor. Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research / Department of Economics, International Economics and Business, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Current Teaching:

Supervision Msc Theses

Supervision Bsc Theses

Firm Demography and Entrepreneurship

Methods of Academic Research

Economic Geography 10 points course

Other activities:

Edcuational Committee "Research Master' (chair 2013-)

Educational Committee "Economic Geography & Real Estate Research"

CIT-COMM committee: usergroup

Supervision PhD students:

  1. de Jong in the PhD project: "Housing an ageing population: more of the same or something different?" together with J. van Dijk & P. McCann. University of Groningen, Faculty of Spatial Sciences (daily supervisor)
  2. Gelormini in the PhD Project: "Urban mobility and ageing in Italian cities" together with I. Mariotti, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DASTU) – Politecnico of Milan (external supervisor)

Special projects:

Organization RUG Summerschool 'Challanges in age-proofing society", July 2017 and July 2018.

Local Organizing Committee European Regional Science Association conference in Groningen August 2017.

European Network for Housing Studies, annual conference special workshop organization 'Housing an ageing population".


Kibele, E (projectleider), A.E. Brouwer & G. de Kam: Kwaliteit van Leven van zelfstandig wonenende kwetsbare ouderen: de rol van mantelzorg en leefomgeving. start 01 January 2015.

RUG onderwijsvernieuwing (17.500 euro) "Virtual Veldwerk app", developing an app for mobile devices for supporting the (virtual) fieldwork in the 10 point Economic Georgaphy course, Bsc Human Geography & Planning

Brouwer, AE (projectleider), E. Kibele, G. de Kam & D. Lager: Bewustwording bij ouderen mbt lifeplanning. Start Oktober 2015. In opdracht van Ministerie van Binnenlandse zaken & Koninkrijksrelaties.

Recent papers and publications:


Brouwer, A.E., S. Koster & E. Van Leeuwen (2015) The Welfare Effect of Economic Diversity in Rural Regions: An Analysis of Dutch Municipalities. (working paper)

Lager, D.,A.E. Brouwer, G. de Kam, E. Kibbele (2016) Taking away the thresholds before the fall? Dutch older home owners’ appraisal of residential environmental modifications as a strategy to ‘age in place’ (working paper)

Brouwer, A.E. & Lager, D. (2016) To adapt, to move or to suffer. Dutch older adults attitude towards residential environmental modifications as a strategy to ‘age in place’ (working paper)

Kibbele, E., J. de With, A.E. Brouwer, G. de Kam & E. Nieboer (2016) Quality of life of older recipients of informal care: the role of the type of informal care and the living environment. (working paper)

Enthoven, P.M. & Brouwer, A.E., (2016) Sustainable entrepreneurship: values, social networks and spatial conentration. (working paper)

Brouwer, A.E. & L. Dorland (2016) Does the living environment have an effect on the happiness of vulnerable elderly? (working paper)

Brouwer, A.E. & H. Ren (2016) Wellbeing and housing of elderly in Chinese urban areas: a case study in Xian (working paper)

Peer reviewed

De Jong, P., A.E. Brouwer & P. McCann (2016) Moving up and down the urban hierarchy. Age-articulated interregional migration flows in the Netherlands. The Annals of Regional Science, forthcoming

Brouwer, A.E. & I. Mariotti (2014) Firm heterogeneity in Multinationals and Domestic firms in Italian Logistics. European Transport, 56, paper no 8, ISSN 1825-3997

Kohl, T. & A.E. Brouwer (2014) The development of trade blocs in an era of globalisation. Environment & Planning A, 46, pp.1535-1553. (DOI: 10.1068/a46261)

Books & chapters in books

Brouwer A., Holl A., Mariotti I. (2012). What drives logistics growth? An empirical investigation in the EU, AP ARGOMENTI, pp. 1-11, ISSN: 2035-5815

Koster, S., A.E. Brouwer & E. van Leeuwen (2011) The welfare effect of economic diversity in rural regions. In: Alsos, G., S. Carter, E. Ljunggren & F. Welter (Eds). The Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Rural Development. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.241-255.

National journals, bookreviews, research papers

Lager, D., A.E. Brouwer, G. de Kam & E. Kibbele (2016) Op tijd de drempel wegnemen? Inzicht in het bewustzijnover het preventief aanpassen van de woonsituatie om langer thuis te kunnen wonen. URSI onderzoeksrapport 355

Brouwer, A.E. (2013) Virtual Fieldwork in a course on Economic Geography. Regional Science Association Insternational Newsletter, May 2013: 13-17.

Brouwer, A.E. (2011) Bookreview ‘There's No Place Like Home: Place and Care in an Ageing Society, by Milligan, C., Ashgate 2009. European Spatial Research and Policy 18(1) pp. 103-104.

Sijtsma, F.J. & Brouwer, A.E. (2011) Bookreview ‘Revealed preference approaches to environmental valuation, by Herriges, J. and C. L. KLING, Ashgate, 2008 ’. European Spatial Research and Policy, 18(1) pp. 105-106.

Last modified:03 March 2023 12.44 p.m.