A. (Arnab) Dutta, MA

Arnab Dutta is a Lecturer of European Politics and Society at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He has been, until recently, a PhD candidate in Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Groningen. Previously, he held the position of the Secretary of the PhD Council of the Faculty of Arts (2018 – 19), and a PhD member (2022-2022) of the University Committee for Academic Practice (UCW), an independent advisory committee of the Board of the University. He was also a visiting doctoral fellow at the Department of History of Ideas, Uppsala University, Sweden (a U4 Society and ENLIGHT partner university of Groningen); European University Institute Florence, Italy; and Global Intellectual History Graduate School, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (funded by a DAAD fellowship from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst). At Uppsala University, he is now a member of the Inerdisciplinary Reserach Network on 'Anxiety', funded by the university's Centre for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS). Drawing on a wide range of sources and concepts derived from the language-worlds of Bangla, Hindi, Sanskrit, English, German, French and Italian, his doctoral dissertation project explores the intellectual entanglements between Interwar Germany and India.
He has previously studied at Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India; and later on completed his Erasmus Mundus Joint-degree MA in Euroculture from Göttingen (Germany), Groningen (The Netherlands) and Uppsala (Sweden). Arnab was awarded the University Gold Medal (2012) from Jadavpur University for securing the first position in the first class during his undergraduate studies. He received the India4EUII exchange fellowship (2013-14) from the European Commission for his stay at the Centre for Modern Indian Studies, Göttingen; and the Erasmus Mundus Euroculture scholarship (2015-17) from the European Commission.
His Euroulture Master thesis, which looked at the South Asian perceptions of intra-European borders in the early twentieth century, has been awarded the 2018 ALBA Award. Moreover, the Coimbra Group (a consortium of 40 prestigious universities across Europe) and the Duke of Arenberg have endowed him with The Duke of Arenberg Award of 2018. The other recent awards include RuG's Sustainable Society Intercontinental PhD Grant for a research stay at Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, USA; the International Weimar Award 2020 from the Goethe and Schiller Archive, Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Germany; and the Vossius fellowship in the history of humanities and sciences, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
His research interests are in Interwar Germany, the cultural and intellectual history of Modern Europe and South Asia, and Postcolonial Studies.
Last modified: | 08 August 2023 10.22 a.m. |