Communication and Information Sciences
The Bachelor's degree in Communication and Information Studies focuses on communication from a language perspective. In the programme, communication is linked to the aims of a company or organization, to the medium that is used and to the context in which it takes place.
Communication is everywhere: just think of news items, leaflets and TV commercials. They have one thing in common: professionals have thought carefully about what information is used and how it is communicated. And that is also what it is all about in the Communication and Information Sciences program! How can teachers find out what their students do and don't understand? And how can doctors communicate with low-literate patients? In order to answer these questions, you will receive multidisciplinary training during CIS and you will learn to combine elements from linguistics, psychology, sociology and marketing.

Web class
During this web class you will be introduced to different forms of communication: persuasive communication, multimodal communication, organizational communication and pragmatics. This gives you a good idea of the various fields in which you, as a CIS graduate, can conduct research or contribute to a better communication policy. More information about the program, the admission requirements and job prospects? Visit the website of the Bachelor's program!
Registration spring edition is now closed
Registration for the the spring edition of the web classes (3 - 30 March 2025) is now closed.
The next edition of the web classes will take place from 17 November - 14 December 2025. Registration for this edition will start 13 October 2025.
Do you have questions about the web classes? Have a look at the frequently asked questions or send an email to webklassen
Last modified: | 28 February 2025 12.35 p.m. |