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Society/business House of Connections

Let’s talk population studies: our future, our society | Conference NIDI-KNAW and University of Groningen

When:Th 29-02-2024 14:00 - 18:00
Where:House of Connections, Grote Markt 21, Groningen

This conference is organized to celebrate the renewed collaboration between NIDI-KNAW and the University of Groningen/UMCG. The program will be an excellent opportunity to hear more on research at both institutions and discuss the relevance for science and society. Demographic change affects all of us: from ageing and the workforce, to care and families, regional development as well as (international) migration. Next to pitches and networking, we have a panel of eminent scholars discussing future population developments and their implications for research, policy and society.

Full programme

Welcome & opening Prof. Clara Mulder (member of the board of KNAW) & Prof. Helga de Valk (NIDI director)

Pitches by early career researchers:

  • Dr Lonneke van den Berg: "Growing up in an era of uncertainty: young adults’ life-courses and well-being"
  • Juul Spaan, MSc & PhD Candidate (aff. with behavioural sciences): "The risks and rewards of international retirement migration"
  • Joeke Kuyvenhoven, MSc & PhD Candidate (aff. with spatial sciences): tba
  • Anna Tort-Carrera, MSc & PhD Candidate (aff. with FEB): "How to determine children's mental health?"

University of Groningen
  • Alexandra Pior, MSc & PhD Candidate: "Growing Up Together Successfully: Identifying The Positive Influence of Peers in Young Adulthood"
  • Malin Meyer, MSc & PhD Candidate (UMCG): "Putting Daily Life Stress in Context: Identifying Daily Life Stressors in Modern Society"
  • Dr Roselinde van der Wiel (Assistant Professor Social Demography): "Spatial Aspects of Love and Family"
  • Claudio Annibali, MSc & PhD Candidate (FEB): "Healthy Ageing: the Economic and Heath Effects of a Diabetes Warning"
Coffee break
Break out sessions

During the break out sessions you have the opportunity to learn more about different aspects of the University of Groningen and NIDI-KNAW such as agenda setting, career prospects, data infrastructure and a variety of researchers.
Short introduction to the state committee by Prof. Helga de Valk vice chair Dutch state committee on demographic development 2050
Panel debate on the implications of the report of the Dutch state committee on demographic development 2050.
  • Prof. Kees Aarts (Professor of Political Institutions and Behaviour, Dean of the Faculty BSS)
  • Prof. Elmer Sterken (former rector of the University of Groningen, Professor of Monetary Economics at FEB)
  • Prof. Thony Visser (Dean Faculty of Arts)
  • Prof. Pieter Hooimeijer (emeritus professor of Human Geography and Demography at the Urban Futures Research Centre of Utrecht University, Director of Research Development at KNAW)
  • Prof. Menno Reijneveld (Professor of Community and Occupational Medicine)
Closing by Prof. Ir. Jacquelien Scherpen, Rector Magnificus University of Groningen