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Society/business House of Connections

Energy, Tech & Tunes: the Power of Events

When:Fr 19-01-2024 10:00 - 13:00
Where:House of Connections, Grote Markt 21, Groningen

Festivals and events have proven to be not only stages for rising stars, but also playgrounds for experiments and gatherings to boost statements and make events. Events can be seen as a 'mini-society'. Within this mini-society we want to learn and develop, we want to try and test, and receive feedback for social development. And we need your help to get this going! During thise interactive programme, we dive deeper into this framework. The programme is led by ESNS sustainability coordinator Rob van Wegen who takes us along a journey throughout the variety of possibilities of the festival industry.

During the programme, you will get the chance to network with a diverse group of participants, be updated about the latest developments and more! With a variety of roundtable conversations on the topics of circularity, sustainability, social impact and public engagement it’s a programme you don’t want to miss out on!


Programme "The Power of Events: how to create impact for your local community"


Keynote by Rob van Wegen

Rob van Wegen is sustainability coordinator at ESNS and has been working in the festival industry for many years. He has a clear vision on the impact that events and festivals can have on society and how they can influence behaviour, mentality and thoughts about our local environment. During his talk, he gives an idea of ​​the different roles that an event can play in society and how ESNS fulfills them. In addition to the possibilities, he also looks at the frameworks and looks for the most optimal form in which an event can fulfill a function.

During the key-note, the audience will be treated to two amazing best-practices in the field:
Martijn Wieling (University of Groningen) who uses festivals as a place to gain data for his speech research, and Gea Meerholz (Metropolitan Region Groningen) who was leading the public clean-up day after the festival Hullabaloo.


Roundtable discussions
In two rounds, the audience tackles the challenges, questions, ideas that we have in the event industry while focussing on topcis such as sustainability, education, politics, public engagement and more.

Feedback and follow-up: what steps can we take now?
Lunch and opportunity to network

Energy, Tech & Tunes
House of Connections is proud to present the three-day programme "Energy, Tech, and Tunes" on 17, 18, and 19 January 2024. Are you interested in subjects such as technology, music, energy transition and the festival industry? This programme will then suit you perfectly. Submerge yourself in a diverse and unique programme where we look at a variety of themes from different perspectives.

The programme "Energy, Tech & Tunes" is a unique collaboration between University of Groningen, ESNS and Metropolitan Region Groningen.

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