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Society/business Center for Information Technology Research and Innovation Support Virtual Reality and Visualisation

Scientifec graph


c     This program plots a curve and a set of experimental data
c     with errorbars. Specila features:
c     - automatic scaling
c     - logarithmic Y-axis

      program scientific_graph

      dimension x(14),y(14),xe(8),ye(8),fe(8)
      data xe /-0.4, 0.7,-0.1, 0.5, 1.2, 0.3, 1.0, 2.0/
      data ye / 0.8, 1.8, 1.0, 1.6, 3.5, 1.4, 2.5, 7.3/
      data fe / 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.3/

      call FRAME_STYLE ('scientific')
      call PS_DEFINE_FONT('A','Helvetica')
      call FRAME(12.,-0.5,2.5, 10.,0.,0.,'X','Y','Scientific graph')

c     generate points of y = exp(x)

      do 5 i=1,14
   5  y(i)=exp(xh)

      call CURVE('y = exp(x)', 14, x, y )
c      call MARKERS_V_ERRORBARS('Experimental data', 8, xe, ye, 17, fe)
      call MARKERS('Experimental data', 8, xe, ye, 17)
      call V_ERRORBARS('with error bars', 8, xe, ye, fe)

c     Same graph with logarithmic Y-axes (ysize = -10.)

      call FRAME(12.,-0.5,2.5,-10.,0.,0.,'X','Y','Scientific graph')
      call CURVE('y = exp(x)', 14, x, y)
      call MARKERS('Experimental data', 8, xe, ye, 17)
      call V_ERRORBARS('with error bars', 8, xe, ye, fe)

c make PostScript file + preview with xv
c     call KOMPLOT(40,'')
c     call system('xv')


Last modified:02 October 2015 10.22 p.m.